skier. backpacker. photographer.
Max and I cut our own skin track up a steeper approach than usual and got to our favorite backcountry ski run first on a low avalanche danger powder day… and then we climbed back up again and also got there second, still with no one else around. Most satisfying day of the season yet!
Max and I skied Grand Targhee with friends Lexi and Luke today. Conditions were hardpack in the morning that softened up a little in the afternoon. Skies were sunny and blue with a few clouds after 3pm.
Max and I spent February 21st finding soft snow a week after the last storm under sunny skies. It was -12° when we left the house and a cold skin up to the top of our first run of the day, but tons of fun on the way down. At the top of our second run we bumped into two guys who were trying to decide where to go. They talked to us for a while, asked us some questions about the steepness of the slope we were about to ski and if we had skied it before. We had, and let them know how fun it was. Then they seemed to get more comfortable with the idea of following us down, but said that they were going to look over the edge and see how we did first. The first photo in this series is their faces watching Max ski down (which I didn’t get a chance to actually see until we got home and uploaded the photos, because I was shooting from very far away at 300mm… had to crop way in on that shot too, so it’s a bit grainy, but it’s just so fun that I had to include it).